He took him up as his child. Gave him the best he could afford in education. Provided the love he had. You had to look deep to know that he was not a natural offspring of his.
As time went by, the kid grew became an adult. On assumption of adulthood, he became nasty. He became rude and agressive. He bad mouthed the man and his wife all over town. Ran from them. When he was asked why “they do not wish me prosper. They wish to hold my progress down” he would reply.
The foster father was given a job slot with a MDA. He called the young man to ask if he was interested. The young man declined. He told the old man that he could make it without them. He had his plans. Progress seemed to elude him.
The foster dad got an opportunity to do good for him. He said I should speak to him. I told him not to bother, that the young man seemed an ingrate. He should find someone more deserving that would appreciate it.
The man looked at me. He smiled. “Do not let someone’s behaviour change you or affect your blessings. He, being an ingrate should not make me less of a giver. You should never ask me to go against my nature because one did not show appreciation. My core remains my core, irrespective of bad behavior.”
Driving home, I reflected on the conversation. A word came “if you do good to only those that do good to you, what is the blessing in that”
I am not like the older man. I wish I were. Maybe I can try.